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I am Patrick Benedict. I grew up in Jerseyville, Illinois and I graduated from Blackburn College with a B.A. in Communications in 2017. I spent my time taking full advantage of Blackburn College’s Work Program while I attended. The college is one of seven work colleges in the United States and Blackburn is the only school with an entirely student managed work program. What this means is that I spent all four years of my time at Blackburn getting real world experience in the writing field between the Office of Public Relations and Marketing and writing for the college’s newspaper, The ‘Burnian.

Writing has always felt like my most natural skill. It has never felt like work so much as an opportunity to explore, create and share my creativity with the world. That’s why I’ve decided my life-long goal is to write in any capacity I can. Where others cringe at the idea of sitting down and writing for hours, I jump at the chance to bring my thoughts to life in the form of the written word. I brought that love of writing with me into college and was able to use it to make myself indispensable in whatever area I worked in and have done the same in my professional career.

I have worked primarily in print media on stories that explore a given individual and their experiences. I have gotten to speak and write profiles on professors, a person who lived through World War II, and even someone that is working to restore historical architecture to its former glory using the latest science and technology. These are some of my favorite pieces, but I have also had the opportunity to write about my own opinions in the form of video game reviews and to report on news and major events. I’m also very familiar with working on shorter pieces packed with information such as when I wrote numerous press releases for Blackburn College that have been published in newspapers all over the United States.

About Me: About Me
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